Clothing & Household items/Ropa y artículos para el hogar

Basic Needs (Formerly Stone Soup)

The Basic Needs Thrift Shop is a non-profit, community-based thrift shop open to the public for shopping. All donations to the Thrift Shop and revenue from sales go directly back into Basic Needs’ programming, which means it stays in our community. Shop for treasures while supporting your community and respecting the environment!

Via Basic Needs vouchers, low-income families can shop for basic needs—unique compared with national store-based organizations. Shop with us and find fashionable clothing, shoes, accessories, bedding, bath towels, toys, craft items, home improvement items, electronics, kitchen items, and more second-hand, gently used treasures!

6990 80th St. #200
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Phone: 651-458-9786

Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm
Saturday, 10am-4pm

Donations can be delivered on Mondays 11am to 5 pm, Wednesdays 11 am to 5 pm, and Saturdays 11 am to 3 pm.

Rainbow Wardrobe

Rainbow Wardrobe is a part of Twin Cities Pride’s year-round programming division, Rainbow Circle. Our wardrobe is made up of new and gently used items donated by community members. Access to free gender affirming resources is LIFE CHANGING for some individuals. Rainbow Wardrobe provides individuals access to Masc and Femme presenting clothing as well as gender affirming items from TomBoyX.

1618 Harmon Pl
Minneapolis, MN 55403 

Hours: Monday – Friday from 9:30am-4:00pm