Giving is an act of worship. In expressing appreciation for your resources and sharing them with the community, we strengthen ourselves to serve God and care for one other. Some people give in person, adding to the offering plate during worship. An increasing number of people choose to give online, reducing paperwork and helping our ministry team
plan ahead by becoming sustaining supporters.
Text to Give
You can text AllSaintsCG to 73256 followed by the amount you would like to give (ex. text AllSaintsCG 10 to give $10)
Need Help Changing your recurring giving?
Giving Set up through OSVhub
Giving Set up through Realm
If your giving is set up through OSVHub, you can access your account here.
If you need further help, click on the button below for directions.
If your giving is set up through Realm, sign into Realm and then click on giving.