Welcome to the Mission & Outreach page
for All Saints Lutheran Church!
We are a team dedicated to making connections - reaching out into
our community and partnering with our siblings around the world.
Here you can find information about our community and global partners, and ways to volunteer and get involved - we are the church together!
Bega Kwa Bega -
Shoulder to Shoulder
Our partner congregation is a parish in Kipaduka, Tanzania. Together we partner to share resources, learn about culture and worship life, and share in the global mission of Jesus Christ.
One aspect of this partnership is supporting scholarships for students in the Kipaduka parish. We are currently accepting pledges for scholarships for the 2022 school year. If you would like to donate, or have questions about the scholarship program, please contact:
Want to learn more about our partnership? Read an update from our synod missionaries following their visit here —>
Friends in Need Food Shelf
Share the Joy!
Share the Joy is a gift giving program sponsored through the Friends in Need food shelf. It is a community-wide program to provide Christmas gifts to children. All Saints has participated in this program for many years. Due to the pandemic, Share the Joy made changes to the program which will continue again this year. They are asking for people to purchase gift cards which can be distributed to families. Gifts cards to Target and Walmart are preferred so families will not have to travel far to use them. They are asking for gift cards in the amount of $35 but appreciate any amount that is affordable.
Share the Joy requests all gift cards be provided to them by December 11. You can also make a cash donation directly to Friends in Need to help defer the cost of purchasing gift cards they may have to purchase. The address is PO Box 6, Cottage Grove, MN 55016 or by credit/debit card online at www.finfood.org and put Share the Joy in the memo line.
Open Hands Midway
Our friends at Open Hands Midway operate several food programs including free meals, produce distribution, and a food shelf.
All Saints is committed to contributing 64 oz bottles juice to the food shelf. If you would like to donate you can drop it off at the church anytime! We also have opportunities to volunteer to serve food on Mondays at the free meals.
Want to learn more? Check out their website!