The Connect Drop-In Center for Youth



The purpose of a this drop-in center is to create a safe and welcoming space for youth ages 13-24 where they can meet their basic needs of food, showers, laundry, clothing, and additional resources. The drop-in center is run by Youth Connections from the The Connect Center. This drop-in center is not affiliated with any religion and all are welcome.

The drop-in center is currently open only by appointment.

Please visit the The Connect Center website for more information. The Connect Center Resources LINK

Phone Number: 612-475-4055

How to Help

  • Donate your time and talents by becoming a volunteer for the Youth Connect Drop-in Center.

  • Donate items to the drop-in center (see the list below).

  • Donate money to cover the cost of the buildout renovations. Please make checks payable to All Saints Lutheran Church; memo line: buildout. This money will go toward building a laundry space for use by The Connect Center.

Items needed

  • Gently used, age-appropriate clothing

  • Pantry food items - i.e. microwavable items: mac and cheese, Ramen noodle cups, and soup, fruit cups, protein granola bars, crackers, etc.

  • Printer paper

  • Backpacks

  • Gift cards in small amounts ($5-$10) - McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Walmart, gas stations, etc.

  • Money for funding this important supportive service for our local youth

Homelessness in Washington County

For current statistics on homelessness in our area, please contact Crystal Gentry, the Homeless Liaison for District 833. Crystal’s email is: