We’d love to hear from you!
651-459-1117 | office@allsaintscg.org


The Rev. Dr. Jules Erickson, Senior Pastor

The Pastor Jules has been with All Saints since 2003.  Her ministry is focused on helping people live healthy, happy, non-anxious, and well-balanced lives. PJ is a Trained Facilitator in The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ Curricula developed by Brené Brown, LICSW, Ph.D. She enjoys laughing, preaching, teaching, Crossfit, good food, and people of every age. Pastor Jules and her beloved, Beth, live in Hastings with two bouncing Goldendoodle dogs.

Email: jules@allsaintscg.org 

Pastor Wes Kimball, Associate Pastor

Wes is new to All Saints since 2024! His ministry will focus on youth and family, a calling that fits him well as he was a high school Math teacher prior. He and his wife have a puppy together, a bernedoodle named Puzzles. He loves spending time outside, going hiking and exploring (especially in the mountains of Colorado), going camping in the various state parks of Minnesota, and reading books.

Email: wes@allsaintscg.org


Leah kaeppe | Children, youth
And family Minster

Leah manages children's programming, including Seeds of Faith, Vacation Bible School, and the Christmas Pageant. She wears colorful novelty socks and an even brighter attitude. Leah loves unicorns!

Email: childrensmin@allsaintscg.org


The Rev. Rebecca Thurman, Visitation Pastor

Thank you for your gracious welcome. I am Rebecca Thurman, mother of three, grandmother of four, once a nurse, now a recently retired interim pastor with a love for people, Jesus, biblical studies and Hebrew. During COVID, while serving one congregation, I kept up with others online and appreciated All Saints’ inclusion of so many in Christ centered worship. All Saints’ Executive Council granted me the title Visitation Pastor and I look forward to meeting you and hearing your stories. Especially through the difficulty of these days, God is with us. I am so glad to join you to show up, do good and be kind.

Susan Burbank | Office Manager

Contact the office with all your questions and to make announcements, room reservations, if there is a problem with the website, or if you want to chat!
Office Hours: By Appointment
Email: office@allsaintscg.org

PIEPER, Karen.jpg

Karen Pieper, Music Director

Karen is in charge of all things music ministry - worship, choir, bell choir - you name it! If you’re interested in sharing your musical talents during worship, please contact Karen!

Email: spiritj@msn.com


Sandy Schuck, Parish Nurse

Sandy visits people in their home, hospital, TCU, or extended care facilities. She is able to speak with people regarding their health concerns, help navigate the health care system, and gather resources regarding specific issues. Sandy has been working in healthcare for 45 years, beginning in ambulance services, and later becoming an RN and a Parish Nurse. In her free time, Sandy loves to play golf, spend time with family, and take walks and cuddle with her dog, Charlie Dickens.


Joan Axdal,
Prayer Chain Leader

Joan leads the Prayer Chain, receiving and sharing confidential requests to join people in prayers for their families, friends, and neighbors. She enjoys time with her family, singing with the choir, reading mysteries, and watching sunrises. Joan and her husband Steve live in Cottage Grove, caring for two cats and two dogs.


Shawn Krech, Custodian

Shawn keeps the building neat and clean. Whether crumbs were scattered at breakfast between services or kids got over excited during arts & crafts, she brings back fresh order.

Paul Johnson,
Business Manager