South Washington County Schools
Enrollment must be done online: If you are unable to access the online enrollment forms or need help, you can visit the school district offices at:
7362 East Point Douglas Road S
Cottage Grove MN 55016
Main number: 651-425-6300 Enrollment: 651-425-6328
Some documentation is required including 2 documents to verify the student’s address. Some schools have open enrollment capabilities. Contact the district office for more information.
Enrollment forms are available in:
Chinese Mandarin
Saint Paul Public Schools
St. Paul Public Schools are a Safe Haven District. No documentation is needed. You will be asked for full name and birthdate as well as immunization information. If the child has attended school or schools in other districts or states, they will request a release to obtain these records. They will test the child, if needed, to determine their grasp of English and find the best program for the student. The district will provide immunization if needed. Transportation is provided for any child residing in the district.
Applications are available online at or you can contact the Student Placement Center
2012 University Avenue W
St. Paul, MN 55114
English: 651-632-3760
Spanish: 651-632-3751
Hmong: 651-325-2740
Karen: 651-325-2760
Somali: 651-632-3709
Hastings Public Schools:
Enroll online at:
District Offices:
1000 West 11th Street
Hastings, MN 55033
Some documents will need to be provided to complete your enrollment. Documents can be uploaded if enrolling online or provide printed copies to your child’s school. Paper enrollment forms are available at schools. Help is available at your school to help you with enrollment if needed.