Pastor Jules preaching: We are rising strong. God is with us, and any burdens are not ours to bear alone. We will have courage in the liminal zone and keep uplifting each other through times of heavy betrayal. Scripture readings from Psalms 42:1-5 and Luke 12:22-32.
Pastor Jules preaching: This time of year can be difficult for many people. And still, God is with us. Scripture readings from John 1:1-14 and Isaiah 52:7-10
Pastor Jules preaching: We have become God's presence wherever we go. Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 & Isaiah 9:2-7.
Pastor Jim preaching: What difference will it make if Jesus is invited more deeply and conspicuously into our lives? When did gifts and sharing come to represent the spirit of Christmas? Scripture readings from Matthew 1:18-25 and Romans 1:1-7.
Pastor Jules preaching: Even when the way seems desolate, like there is no hope, God brings things once thought dead back to life. Also, learn the surprising origins of camels. Scripture readings from Matthew 11:2-11 and Isaiah 35:1-10.
Pastor Jules preaching: How can we interrupt patterns with negative effects on our lives, and adapt to patterns that better fit our goals, needs, and community wellbeing? Scripture readings from Matthew 3:1-12 and Isaiah 11: 1-10.
Pastor Jim preaching: How to try to stay grounded and the power of gratitude. Scripture readings from Matthew 24: 36-44 and Romans 13:11-14.
Pastor Jules preaching: inspired by Leonard Cohen's "Anthem" lyrics - "There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in." Scripture reading from John 1.
Pastor Jules preaching: "Be Still" - the importance of rest and play. Scripture readings from Luke 23:33-43 and Psalm 46.